Thursday, December 1st
12:00AM GMT
It Could Be Me - Safer Together
Group Ride
“My name is Alyson Frederick , and I will be leading this ride in honor of my father, Dan Frederick. Yesterday would have been his 62nd birthday. He died on September 8, 2020 after being hit by a box truck while cycling. He was an amazing person, husband, father, and friend.”

We want to invite all interested in cycling safety and getting involved in their communities to join us.
All abilities are welcomed.
We want to strengthen our It Could Be Me community to help eradicate the current negative narrative between drivers and vulnerable users.

https://www.itcouldbeme.orgOpens a new window < a new window>

Join us on Discord for articles, updates and, community events - including our interactive group rides on Zwift. Follow the link and help us make roads safer together. a new window < a new window>