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Tuesday, March 15th
6:30PM GMT
Chasing Cancellara: Recovery Ride with Fabian
Group Ride
Recover with Fabian and hear about the exciting IRL Chasing Cancellara events.

Champs Élysées, March 15th @ 6.30pm GMT

Chasing Cancellara is a platform for cycling enthusiasts of all different fitness levels. It offers a unique experience for fans and friends to experience the beauty of cycling with double Olympic gold medalist Fabian Cancellara in different race formats around the globe. The series offers the opportunity to ride in epic sceneries such as the Swiss alps or in the Hellingen of Flanders. Since 2021, Zwift has been part of the race schedule and helped participants to stay in shape for the challenges of the upcoming season. Find out more about the race season 2022 on www.chasingcancellara.comOpens a new window.