Saturday, October 26th
8:30PM GMT
SAS - Sand and Sequoias 50km
Group Ride
SAS - Sand & Sequoias + Tempus Fugit Rides

FRIDAY - 40km - 6.50am (Sand and Sequoias)
SATURDAY - 45km - 7.30am (Tempus Fugit)
SUNDAY - 50km - 7.30am (Sand and Sequoias)
Go to Spotify, Search User: TedBaker132

The Playlist of the day will be announced
By the Ride Leader in the start pen.

Please note: only Premium Spotify users
Lists will play in the same order as the Ride
Leaders. Make sure you have ‘Random Play’
Switched to off. Rock On !


New Riders try and stay mid-pack for an easier ride, if you get
dropped you’re on your own as we have NO SWEEPERS!

Flats - 2.5 Average
Hills - 3.5 Average
This figure may vary for you personally depending on your weight.

This is something to aim for.

Approx. 35-40km/h
We generally average 38-39km/hr in the bunch

NO SWEEPERS as THE FENCE will be switched ON @ 2 seconds distance.
If you get dropped, come back next week and try again!


FRIDAY - 'Sand and Sequoias' 40km - 6.50am
2 Laps (40km) that encompass both ’Tempus Fugit’ flat course and also the rolling hills of ’Titans Grove’

We’ll SPIN at around 38-40km/h on the flats and Climb between 3-4w/kg on the rolling hills. We have a Downhill ’SPRINT’ section where the fence is switched OFF so you can beat the SPEED record before we gather at the bottom and re-group for some more flat Spinning.

The Fence will be switched on with a 2 second delay to keep the pack bunched up for the entire ride. We have 30mins late start feature switched on, so you can start late or even finish early if you like!


SATURDAY ’Tempus Fugit' - 45km - 7.30am
45km Flat Ride on Tempus Fugit Loop ideal for newer riders.

This ride will average around 2.5 w/kg and is totally flat spinning the entire ride, there are NO SPRINTS so its great for recovery.


SUNDAY - 'Sand and Sequoias' 50km - 7.30am
2.5 Laps (50km) that encompass both ’Tempus Fugit’ flat course and also the rolling hills of ’Titans Grove’

We’ll SPIN at around 38-40km/h on the flats and Climb between 3-4w/kg on the rolling hills. We have a Downhill ’SPRINT’ section where the fence is switched OFF so you can beat the SPEED record before we gather at the bottom and re-group for some more flat Spinning.

The Fence will be switched on with a 2 second delay to keep the pack bunched up for the entire ride. We have 30mins late start feature switched on, so you can start late or even finish early if you like!


ABOUT SAS Cycle Club

SAS Cycle Club began Sprinting and Racing on Zwift in 2015, We are based in Australia and run a great selection of rides to suit most riding styles, we have a collection of rides each week and a fantastic group of experienced Ride Leaders.

Website: www.sascycleclub.comOpens a new window
FB Group: www.saszwift.comOpens a new window
Instagram: @sascycleclubcom

If you wish to join the SAS Race Team, go to and register, just simply add 'SAS Cycle Club' into the team area and you are good to go.
SAS Team Link here: a new window

Ride On!

SAS - Sand and Sequoias 50km (C) - Race Results
Log in to view race results
DauerLückeWattW/kg20 Min.W/kg5 Min.W/kg15 SekW/kg