Friday, May 3rd
12:30AM GMT
ZLDR Mid-Week Long Run
Group Ride
Welcome to the ZLDR 21.1k Mid-Week Long Run. Whether you come for 3k, 5k, 10k or the full distance we are here to support your running dreams and help you develop your running skills. We are a collective group of supportive and experienced runners who will do our best to help you reach your goals.

Whether you’re speeding across the roads of Makuri or taking a gentle jog, join us for whatever distance but keep joining us and we can help you get to 21.1k and beyond. It’s always easier to run with others.

Not everyone gets the weekend off. For those of us who give our lives over to work on the weekends, please join us every week for your mid-week long run!

We’ve got 21.1km (13.1 miles) set aside just for you! Run as little or as much as you’d like, feel free to run more, to work in your interval training, to ease in a few recovery miles…. Whatever your mid-week goal may be, we’re here to help make it possible!

As with any of our runs, you are not required to go the entire distance listed. But we are a distance running group and would like to offer our members a chance every week to put their legs to the test and see how far they can go.

Hope to see you there!

ZLDR is a group of diverse people, from speed demons to walkers, from people just getting to their first 5k to ultra runners. We are here to support your running dreams and help you develop your running skills. We are a collective group of supportive and experienced runners and walkers who want to help you set and achieve new goals!

For more ZLDR fun and support, join our groups on social media platforms:

Facebook group: a new window
Instagram: a new window
Strava: a new window
Discord Invitation (not required for the run) a new window
ZLDR website for Challenge Months: https://www.zldr.clubOpens a new window
Online shop: https://www.sweatydino.comOpens a new window