Tuesday, May 7th
11:00PM GMT
USMES Weekly Warm ups
Group Ride
Welcome to the USMES Warm-up Ride.
This is one of two weekly warm-up rides, with the goal of working from this group into the next ride with a higher pace. Use this ride to help you build that solid base for your training to build on!!
These Rides are generally low key and to socialize with our members. The group set up and pace is
specifically lower to support and train for our faster groups.
Pace will start off around 1.5w/kg and could work up to 2.5w/kg on hills. With the average pace being near 2w/kg. There may be times, when traversing a hill/bump, where the pace may go higher, but overall we should be around 2w/kg.
New to our rides or to Zwift? The best place to hang-out in the ride is in the front 1/3 of the Yellow Beacons (Leaders) Peloton or Blob. This keeps you in the draft and at the advertised pace and involved with the group.
The Fence will be used if necessary to control the group.
Please don’t chase the flyers, don’t encourage them. You joined the Group ride, then ride with the group. If you are dead set on Flying, then after the ride starts, select quite the ride and you will stay on the rides route and the Fence won’t zap you! Another option is if you have the energy and legs for it, volunteer SWEEP. Help those that need a wheel back to the blob and get your Interval work in for the day!!

United States Military Endurance Sports (USMES) Zwift riders & runners, is a support group for the USMES National Club. We do not require veteran status to join the Zwift group.
USMES Zwift group Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/usmeszwiftr2Opens a new window
USMES National Team Facebook
Discord Channel
https://discord.com/invite/hExnM7BOpens a new window