Saturday, June 10th
The focus of this, indoor, endurance+ ride, is to complete an extended duration steady-state focussed blocks of riding in Z2 after a shorter strength stimulus set ~ L3a. This approach can provide beneficial stimuli for endurance, fat burning and durability.
These workouts should be done in ERG mode but let HR be your guide for Zone 2 intervals, keeping bellow your zone 2 HR limit. For strength sets let ERG control your power in this targeted zone, these may take your HR in to Z3. From a physiological perspective, these sessions help promote fat oxidation, and structural changes at a muscular level, such as increased mitochondrial content and capillarizatio n while providing a strong muscular endurance/ durability component as well.
Progressive for 15 min
3-5min reps L3a (1-2 min recovery)
5min easy
MAIN SET:4x increasing duration progressive L2 builds 62/66/70/74%
Recovery 25% interval at L1
10 min
The focus of this, indoor, endurance+ ride, is to complete an extended duration steady-state focussed blocks of riding in Z2 after a shorter strength stimulus set ~ L3a. This approach can provide beneficial stimuli for endurance, fat burning and durability.
These workouts should be done in ERG mode but let HR be your guide for Zone 2 intervals, keeping bellow your zone 2 HR limit. For strength sets let ERG control your power in this targeted zone, these may take your HR in to Z3. From a physiological perspective, these sessions help promote fat oxidation, and structural changes at a muscular level, such as increased mitochondrial content and capillarizatio n while providing a strong muscular endurance/ durability component as well.
Progressive for 15 min
3-5min reps L3a (1-2 min recovery)
5min easy
MAIN SET:4x increasing duration progressive L2 builds 62/66/70/74%
Recovery 25% interval at L1
10 min
Se lancer dans les compétitions avec score de course
Tu dois terminer quelques sorties vélo avant de pouvoir participer à ta première compétition avec score de course. Lorsque nous aurons plus de données, nous serons en mesure de te recommander le groupe qui te correspondra le mieux pour te mesurer aux autres.