Wednesday, September 1st
3:30PM GMT
TEAM VEGAN Mixed Salad
Group Ride
Welcome to our plant-based Wednesday spin. This is a group ride where we aim to support each other. It's not a race, but the advertised pace will be maintained for the benefit of the group. Sweepers will be helping out when available, look for the Red Beacon and give them a shout if you need a wheel... Feel free to climb at your own pace but please wait as directed by the Leader.

Total duration will be between 1hr and 1hr 30mins approx. depending on the route but you're welcome to join for as long as you have available and we’re very happy to have you along.

Enjoy the ride and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions regarding adopting a plant-based diet / vegan lifestyle.

Find us on Facebook @TeamVeganZC