Wednesday, May 27th
6:30PM GMT
Workout Wednesday Run
Group Workout
Looking to up your running game? Look no further. Join the Zwift Runners every week for Workout Wednesdays. These sessions will rotate between tempo, threshold, and speed intervals. With runs in seven time slots with four pace groups each (A being the fastest and D being the slowest), there’s something for every kind of goal-chasing runner.

Pace Groups
A) ~9 mph // 15 kph
B) ~8 mph // 13 kph
C) ~7 mph // 11 kph
D) ~5 mph // 9 kph

So how does it work? Like most workouts, it kicks off with a warm-up, then shorter intervals with active recovery before moving into the main set of intervals, and finally, closing out with a cooldown.

If you’re looking to level up your fitness, these sessions should be a key part of your weekly workout schedule. See you there.