Monday, October 26
With real world racing currently off-limits for much of the planet, here’s a chance to have a weekly ‘blast’ from the comfort (?!) of your Smart trainer.
The ‘Club 10’ is a staple part of the weekly summer for many triathletes and time trial riders in the UK and beyond. Long enough to hurt, but short enough to provide both a great training session and a competitive edge, while allowing you to recover quickly too. This event is designed to be a ‘virtual’ replacement for that great tradition of time trialling.
It’s you against the clock (check out the unique Heads Up Display (HUD)) with timing checkpoints along the way. Ride it however you want – a 100% blast, a sweetspot effort within a longer ride or whatever best fits your own training week.
See you in the start pen!
The ‘Club 10’ is a staple part of the weekly summer for many triathletes and time trial riders in the UK and beyond. Long enough to hurt, but short enough to provide both a great training session and a competitive edge, while allowing you to recover quickly too. This event is designed to be a ‘virtual’ replacement for that great tradition of time trialling.
It’s you against the clock (check out the unique Heads Up Display (HUD)) with timing checkpoints along the way. Ride it however you want – a 100% blast, a sweetspot effort within a longer ride or whatever best fits your own training week.
See you in the start pen!
Inizia con le gare a punteggio
Dovrai portare a termine alcune pedalate prima di poter partecipare alla tua prima gara a punti. Una volta raccolti più dati, saremo in grado di consigliarti il gruppo migliore contro cui gareggiare.