Monday, August 19th
10:00PM GMT
Monday Run Club
Group Workout
Start your running week with a group run hosted by the Zwift Runners Facebook group. The idea of these runs is to stay together and share the collective experience just like a group club run in real life.

We have four pace groups in each event so that you can better find the best group for the effort you want to run at. As usual, we will be using the workout mode so that it is clear what speeds you need to run at throughout. This however is mainly a steady run but with some slight speed changes for variety.

After a progressive easy pace warm up, each group will run at a steady speed that increases slightly every 1K/0.6M. After the warm up, A group will generally run between 12.0-14.0 kph/7.5-8.8 mph, B 10.5-12.0 kph/6.9-7.5 mph, C 9.5-10.5 kph/5.9-6.6 mph, D 8.0-9.0 kph/5.0-5.6 mph.

If you have any questions about this event or want to find out more about Zwift Running in general then please visit the Zwift Runners Facebook group or #gozwiftrun #mrc