Monday, June 5th
Questo evento ha i seguenti requisiti:
Solo donne.
Join us for a Women's Only Workout Ride.
This workout is designed to be inclusive and can be ridden however you choose!
It can be treated as a Workout, Recovery Ride, Pre-Race activation or just join us for some social chats .. either way, we are banded and we all stick together.
Session: Micro Sprints
We will Warm Up for 10 mins, followed by 5 Mirco Burst Sprints (20secs) and finish with a 10 mins Cool Down
What is the Rocacorba Collective?
Rocacorba Collective is a membership-based indoor cycling community. It was created by Ashleigh Moolman Pasio in 2021 with the mission to revolutionise the indoor e-cycling experience by creating an inspiring, uplifting and safe space for women to come together to cycle, whatever their level or experience.
Route: We will ride the route for the upcoming race during WTRL seasons and explore other routes in the off-season.
Sign up here : www.rocacorbacollective.ccOpens a new window
Meet our Ambassadors : a new window
This workout is designed to be inclusive and can be ridden however you choose!
It can be treated as a Workout, Recovery Ride, Pre-Race activation or just join us for some social chats .. either way, we are banded and we all stick together.
Session: Micro Sprints
We will Warm Up for 10 mins, followed by 5 Mirco Burst Sprints (20secs) and finish with a 10 mins Cool Down
What is the Rocacorba Collective?
Rocacorba Collective is a membership-based indoor cycling community. It was created by Ashleigh Moolman Pasio in 2021 with the mission to revolutionise the indoor e-cycling experience by creating an inspiring, uplifting and safe space for women to come together to cycle, whatever their level or experience.
Route: We will ride the route for the upcoming race during WTRL seasons and explore other routes in the off-season.
Sign up here : www.rocacorbacollective.ccOpens a new window
Meet our Ambassadors : a new window
Inizia con le gare a punteggio
Dovrai portare a termine alcune pedalate prima di poter partecipare alla tua prima gara a punti. Una volta raccolti più dati, saremo in grado di consigliarti il gruppo migliore contro cui gareggiare.