Saturday, June 10th
Join us for a chilled weekend ride. SUPERSTYLIN is all about having fun while we spin.
We will attack the Sprints and KQOMs as we maintain a 2/2.3 wkg average.
Our Red Beacon Sweeper team will be available to help, if you need to get back to the group and everyone is welcome to join them for some interval efforts.
There will be a quiz most weeks and a ride Spotify playlist.
The WKG crew like a good laugh, so your dad jokes are most welcome.
Check out our WKG Racing League and WKG on Facebook and feel free to join our Zwift Club.
WKG Zwift Club a new window
Facebook Page a new window
Spotify Playlist a new window
Ride On 👍🏼 WKGers!
We will attack the Sprints and KQOMs as we maintain a 2/2.3 wkg average.
Our Red Beacon Sweeper team will be available to help, if you need to get back to the group and everyone is welcome to join them for some interval efforts.
There will be a quiz most weeks and a ride Spotify playlist.
The WKG crew like a good laugh, so your dad jokes are most welcome.
Check out our WKG Racing League and WKG on Facebook and feel free to join our Zwift Club.
WKG Zwift Club a new window
Facebook Page a new window
Spotify Playlist a new window
Ride On 👍🏼 WKGers!
Se lancer dans les compétitions avec score de course
Tu dois terminer quelques sorties vélo avant de pouvoir participer à ta première compétition avec score de course. Lorsque nous aurons plus de données, nous serons en mesure de te recommander le groupe qui te correspondra le mieux pour te mesurer aux autres.