Friday, June 9th
Bei diesem Event ist Folgendes erforderlich:
Created by Matt Rowe, from “Rowe & King,” this Sweet Spot Training (SST) contains intervals at 88-94% of your Functional Threshold Power (FTP). SST is regarded as providing the optimal balance of difficulty (intensity) and amount (volume).
For coaching and all your training needs visit a new window
About the session:
Progressive warm up, you should feel ready to start intense efforts. You should have a good sweat on, and the heart rate should be raised to circa 90% of your max.
Few easy minutes to have a drink.
Repeat 8 x (3 Minutes @93% FTP - 2 Minutes 89% FTP).
Total = 40 Minutes straight SST
Cool down 3:30 minutes.
You will keep the chain tight for 40 minutes - a solid day in the saddle!
A Sweet Spot Chunk - 40 Min @89-92% session details:
1. Ramp up in 8 steps
1. 1 min @ 40% FTP
Zone 1
2. 1 min @ 49% FTP
Zone 1
3. 1 min @ 59% FTP
Zone 2
4. 1 min @ 68% FTP
Zone 2
5. 1 min @ 77% FTP
Zone 3
6. 1 min @ 86% FTP
Zone 3
7. 1 min @ 96% FTP
Zone 4
8. 1 min @ 105% FTP
Zone 4
2. Recovery
2:30 @ 40 % FTP
Zone 1
3. Repeat 8 times
1. Higher SST 93% FTP
3 min
Zone 4
2. Lower SST 89% FTP
2 min
Zone 3
4. Cool Down
3:30 @ 45% FTP
Zone 1
Safety Note:
Only undertake vigorous exercise if you are fit and healthy to do so. If you are at all unsure, consult a Physician or Doctor first.
All training equipment including Bikes and Turbo trainers should be in full working order. Do not use any piece of equipment that does not come up to the required standard.
For coaching and all your training needs visit a new window
About the session:
Progressive warm up, you should feel ready to start intense efforts. You should have a good sweat on, and the heart rate should be raised to circa 90% of your max.
Few easy minutes to have a drink.
Repeat 8 x (3 Minutes @93% FTP - 2 Minutes 89% FTP).
Total = 40 Minutes straight SST
Cool down 3:30 minutes.
You will keep the chain tight for 40 minutes - a solid day in the saddle!
A Sweet Spot Chunk - 40 Min @89-92% session details:
1. Ramp up in 8 steps
1. 1 min @ 40% FTP
Zone 1
2. 1 min @ 49% FTP
Zone 1
3. 1 min @ 59% FTP
Zone 2
4. 1 min @ 68% FTP
Zone 2
5. 1 min @ 77% FTP
Zone 3
6. 1 min @ 86% FTP
Zone 3
7. 1 min @ 96% FTP
Zone 4
8. 1 min @ 105% FTP
Zone 4
2. Recovery
2:30 @ 40 % FTP
Zone 1
3. Repeat 8 times
1. Higher SST 93% FTP
3 min
Zone 4
2. Lower SST 89% FTP
2 min
Zone 3
4. Cool Down
3:30 @ 45% FTP
Zone 1
Safety Note:
Only undertake vigorous exercise if you are fit and healthy to do so. If you are at all unsure, consult a Physician or Doctor first.
All training equipment including Bikes and Turbo trainers should be in full working order. Do not use any piece of equipment that does not come up to the required standard.
Erste Schritte für Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung
Du musst ein paar Fahrten abschließen, um an deinem ersten Rennen mit Punktzahlbewertung teilzunehmen. Wenn uns mehr Informationen zur Verfügung stehen, können wir dir die Gruppe vorschlagen, die sich am besten für einen Wettkampf mit dir eignet.