Tuesday, October 15th
2:20AM GMT
Leadout Simulation
Group Workout

These efforts are a great VO2 and Power exercise. The progressive ramp in power will simulate the increase in speed as we head closer and closer to the finish line of any race.

Coach Greg Henderson used this exact training as part of his leadout preparation for every Tour de France, Giro or major race in which they took a full leadout train. This is a toned down version but still simulated the progression needed so that no other team can pass.


Greg "Hendy" Henderson - As a five-time Olympian, six-time Tour de France competitor, and former World Champion on the track, Greg spent 20 years as a pro cyclist. In 2014, Greg started coaching and the former Endurance Performance Director for USA Cycling now trains individual athletes across a broad range: from club level to Tour de France riders.


Zwifters line up in the starting area just like a normal event and once the event starts, workout mode begins. Everyone stays together regardless of power output. That's right, if you're outputting 100W and another Zwifter is outputting 400W you will stay in exactly the same position relative to each other. Only if you stop pedaling and fall 6 meters behind the group will the rubber-banding stop.

We highly recommend doing one of the FTP tests as the estimated FTP can be inaccurate and make the difficulty level of the workouts too high for your current fitness level. For more info on FTP go to: https://support.zwift.com/hc/en-us/articles/210208083-What-is-FTP-and-how-is-it-used-in-ZwiftOpens a new window