Thursday, June 8th
If you are Looking for a fun and well supported social ride that will make you stronger? Then join us on Poursuite de la Lanterne Rouge! This event is great for confident D riders looking to step up to something a bit faster, as well as experienced riders who want to test themselves. We ride together for 45 minutes at 23mph/38kph (2.3w/kg), we have a KOM to conquer and then a Sprint to warm the legs , and then we unleash our Red Beacon to step on the gas and - after a little head start to give our Lanterne Rouge a fighting chance - anyone game for a chase is free to fly. Three chase groups are offered with 2-4 minute deficits to close, and you are guaranteed to get stronger with each attempt to catch! The Yellow Beacon leader will continue at the listed pace the full hour to help those who don’t fancy a chase finish. Strong sweep support is available for anyone needing a wheel get back into the leader’s group.
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Getting started with scored races
You'll need to finish a few rides before you can join your first scored race. With more data we'll be able to recommend the best group for you to compete against.