Thursday, May 25
Year-round training on Zwift is a great way to boost your fitness—and Zwift Spring Training is here to make you sweat. With this series, we’ve developed 6 effective, efficient, achievable workouts that perfectly complement your indoor and outdoor training. These workouts were built to push you and help you realize your fitness potential —so whether you’re a seasoned pro or kickstarting your fitness journey, you will surely see a fitness boost! Because Indoor Work = Outdoor Results.
Starting April 17, there will be new workouts for you to crush every week. Complete each workout on-demand or in a group workout event between April 17 and May 31.
Get ready: Stage 6 lives up to its name! In the Final Send, you’ll work to better your sprint. You can improve your power output and overall speed by training the body to produce energy anaerobically—and this is precisely what stage 6 does. But, similar to VO2 sets, sprint training is no walk in the park. Be ready to suffer in the final stage—your summer self will thank you for the fitness! And remember - every workout can be done on your own time from the workout folder, or in a group workout between April 17 and May 31.
Miss a workout but really want to check off your final stages in a group workout? Here's your chance to catch up! Each stage will rotate every 30 minutes over these few days. Remember, all stages can be completed from the workout folder at any point while Zwift Spring Training is live.
To learn more about Zwift Spring Training and its workouts, click here: a new window
Starting April 17, there will be new workouts for you to crush every week. Complete each workout on-demand or in a group workout event between April 17 and May 31.
Get ready: Stage 6 lives up to its name! In the Final Send, you’ll work to better your sprint. You can improve your power output and overall speed by training the body to produce energy anaerobically—and this is precisely what stage 6 does. But, similar to VO2 sets, sprint training is no walk in the park. Be ready to suffer in the final stage—your summer self will thank you for the fitness! And remember - every workout can be done on your own time from the workout folder, or in a group workout between April 17 and May 31.
Miss a workout but really want to check off your final stages in a group workout? Here's your chance to catch up! Each stage will rotate every 30 minutes over these few days. Remember, all stages can be completed from the workout folder at any point while Zwift Spring Training is live.
To learn more about Zwift Spring Training and its workouts, click here: a new window
Primeros pasos en las carreras puntuadas
Tendrás que terminar algunos recorridos antes de poder participar en tu primera carrera puntuada. Con más datos, podremos recomendarte el mejor grupo contra el que competir.