Thursday, October 14th
8:00PM GMT
ZLDR Tempo/Progressive Run
Group Workout
Welcome to our ZLDR group run where we will alternate every week between a tempo workout and a progressive workout. Tempo workouts are done at a sustainable 60 min pace where you will work at a comfortably uncomfortable pace. Progressive workouts will start you at a an easier pace and build your speed up to tempo. Either way we will do it together!

ZLDR is a group of diverse people, from speed demons to walkers, from people just getting to their first 5k to ultra runners. We are here to support your running dreams and help you develop your running skills. We are a collective group of supportive and experienced runners and walkers who want to help you set and achieve new goals!

For more ZLDR fun and support, join our groups on social media platforms:

Facebook Group: a new window
Strava Club: a new window
Instagram page: a new window
Discord Invitation (not required for the run) a new window