Monday, November 23rd
7:00PM GMT
Zwift NL - Int. Women's Cycling A'dam XXX Workout
Group Workout
women only icon女性限定
Would you like to ‘keep up with the boys’ on the bike next summer? Leave the sofa for one hour & join us for an effective interval work out. We are the cycling ladies from the flatlands (the Netherlands, that country with all those road bike champs ,-)) and we gather on Monday’s and Wednesday’s at 20h for a good hour of fun intervals.
Every training is lead by a friendly ride leader who will motivate you to finish those intervals and make you stronger. Everybody will stay together; as long as you keep pedalling. The rubber band ends 6m behind the group.
We got this ladies - It never gets easier, you only get faster!!
*Sorry gents, Ladies only.
