Thursday, June 8th
10:40PM GMT
Micro Mountain Massif - Race 3
category enforcement iconカテゴリー強制あり。
power meter required iconパワーメーターが必要です。
heart rate monitor required icon心拍計が必要です。
This event is designed so you can go ""full throttle"" on a climb for a very short period of time and to push yourself beyond your perceived limits, going shoulder to shoulder with fellow racers.

To win, you may require to employ tactics. Do you save energy on the flat section before going hard on the climb? Do you opt to go hard from the start? Only you can decide and the decision you make will impact your results.

If you are not interested in racing for the victory, treat this event as a test of your 5-minute power. Generate a consistently high power for 5 minutes and boost your ratings in Zwift Power. This race is unique and offers something for all.

Rules: Heart Rate monitor required and Zwift Power for official results, winner of each category.

Be sure to follow us on Instagram, Mountain_Massif and join our Zwift Club, “Mountain Massif” by following this link: a new window
Micro Mountain Massif - Race 3 (A) - Race Results
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