Monday, April 9th
Criterium Racing League sponsored by Primal Europe (www.primaleurope.comOpens a new window)
Check out a new window for league rules and results
Results drawn from
- Riders going over 5wkg at 95% of 20 minute power will be removed from results.
- Riders going over 6wkg for 5 minute power will be removed from results.
- Heart rate monitors must be worn for category wins.
- zPower riders aren't eligible for category wins.
- All bikes permitted.
- No power ups permitted.
- Riders going over category limits will be automatically promoted in the official results.
- When a rider has been automatically promoted they are expected to race in their new category for all future events.
- Points can only be earned in the correct category a participant races in.
- Racing in a incorrect category will void any points accrued. This includes a riders history in other Zwift events (checks will be made at the end of the league)
- Points will not carry over when a rider automatically upgrades in a current league.
- Best 8 of 10 races count to final standings.
Please use your FTP divided by your weight to select the correct category below.
(A) 4 - 5 W/kg
(B) 3.2 - 3.99 W/kg
(C) 2.5 - 3.19 W/kg
(D) 0 - 2.49 W/kg
For more information on FTP - a new window-
Join the BRT EventZ Group - a new window
Please visit www.primaleurope.comOpens a new window where you’ll find the latest cycling clothing for all seasons including men’s,women’s,outerwear plus custom designs.
Check out a new window for league rules and results
Results drawn from
- Riders going over 5wkg at 95% of 20 minute power will be removed from results.
- Riders going over 6wkg for 5 minute power will be removed from results.
- Heart rate monitors must be worn for category wins.
- zPower riders aren't eligible for category wins.
- All bikes permitted.
- No power ups permitted.
- Riders going over category limits will be automatically promoted in the official results.
- When a rider has been automatically promoted they are expected to race in their new category for all future events.
- Points can only be earned in the correct category a participant races in.
- Racing in a incorrect category will void any points accrued. This includes a riders history in other Zwift events (checks will be made at the end of the league)
- Points will not carry over when a rider automatically upgrades in a current league.
- Best 8 of 10 races count to final standings.
Please use your FTP divided by your weight to select the correct category below.
(A) 4 - 5 W/kg
(B) 3.2 - 3.99 W/kg
(C) 2.5 - 3.19 W/kg
(D) 0 - 2.49 W/kg
For more information on FTP - a new window-
Join the BRT EventZ Group - a new window
Please visit www.primaleurope.comOpens a new window where you’ll find the latest cycling clothing for all seasons including men’s,women’s,outerwear plus custom designs.
Se lancer dans les compétitions avec score de course
Tu dois terminer quelques sorties vélo avant de pouvoir participer à ta première compétition avec score de course. Lorsque nous aurons plus de données, nous serons en mesure de te recommander le groupe qui te correspondra le mieux pour te mesurer aux autres.