Tuesday, June 6
7:45 AM UTC
INC Relentless Interval Training
Group Ride
These regular training sessions will focus on various different areas for improvement in preparation for racing and events over the spring and summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The front of these rides will suit Category A riders, however other categories are welcome and encouraged to join and complete the workout in your own gruppettos.

All sessions will be 75-90minutes long and will include a warm up, so just grab your bottles and head straight to the pen. Sessions will vary between Push sessions, designed to lift your FTP with sub-threshold work, for longer periods of time; to Pull sessions, with shorter, harder, intervals above FTP, to “Pull” your FTP up from above.

These are no sweep training rides; if you drop from the group, simply continue the workout on your own or with others of a similar pace. This is an Innovation Cycling Training Ride Event – all riders are welcome. These events are put together to push you further than before, if you are feeling fresh hop on the front, if you need rest surf the draft.
INC Relentless Interval Training (B) - Race Results
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TiempoVentajaVatiosW/kg20 minW/kg5 minW/kg15 sW/kg