Sunday, December 3
New to Zwift, just a little out of shape or recovering from injury? This is the group ride for you! All are welcome to join The Herd on this supportive and social event.
Respect the leader's pace and ride with the yellow beacon. This is NOT A RACE! Stronger riders are encouraged to fall back and help sweep the riders struggling in the back.
Join us on Discord during the ride: a new window (Please use Push-To-Talk)
Check us out on Facebook: a new window
Respect the leader's pace and ride with the yellow beacon. This is NOT A RACE! Stronger riders are encouraged to fall back and help sweep the riders struggling in the back.
Join us on Discord during the ride: a new window (Please use Push-To-Talk)
Check us out on Facebook: a new window
Primeros pasos en las carreras puntuadas
Tendrás que terminar algunos recorridos antes de poder participar en tu primera carrera puntuada. Con más datos, podremos recomendarte el mejor grupo contra el que competir.