Monday, April 18th
8:00PM GMT
Team Zwift Tri Oz - POWER PUSH
Group Ride
⚡️🚴🏼‍♂️💨 POWER PUSH! 🚴🏼‍♂️💨⚡️
Looking for a Group Ride that is different to the rest? You've found it! 👍🏻

We’re building a team...... a FAST team 💨. We aim to break records over the 7.1km timed Fuego Flats Reverse segment. (The aim of the this ride is to take as many riders as possible with us under 9 mins). We start with a lap and a half to settle the group, recon the course and talk tactics. The hammer drops at about 40 mins and the TEAM TIME TRIAL starts.
As a group we aim to PUSH over 50KPH (31MPH) and hold it all the way to the finish arch. This requires TEAMWORK, POWER and DETERMINATION. You will need to dig deep!

Team ZTO value FUN, FRIENDSHIP and DETERMINATION. We welcome athletes from around the world 🙏🏻 🌎

Don't let yourself get #FOMO 😨, join us at TEAM Zwift Tri Oz today. ( a new window)
Absolutely Everyone is welcome! 🙏🏻