Sunday, July 10th
6:00PM GMT
The Stampede (iTT) by Herd Racing League
Time Trial
category enforcement iconカテゴリー強制あり。
Join the Herd Racing League as we race a series of 12 Individual Time Trial events.

We use the Time Trial Module, so every rider has their own start time. Go as hard as you can and see how you compare to other racers once the race has finished!

Each category has its own w/kg limits which are set based on 95% of your best 20 minute power.

Your best 10 results of the series (first race each week, in case you try to do more than one!) out of the 12, so make them count!

In order to show up in the Race Results, you will need an account on the WTRL website here: a new window

For more information, please visit our group on Facebook: a new window
Join us on Discord during the race! a new window

Race Categories:
D — 0.000 - 2.499
C — 2.500 - 3.199
B — 3.200 - 3.999
A — 4.000 +

Facebook Group: a new window
League Results: a new window
The Stampede (iTT) by Herd Racing League (A) - Race Results
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