Thursday, April 22nd
Welcome to the Major Taylor "Ride the Rhythm" Group Ride presented by The Major Taylor Cycling Club of Virginia and Team ODZ. Join us for an evening pedal where riders can ride to their own rhythm or vibe with others on their same wave length in a group ride. This is not a race. All riders are welcome to join the event and ride as fast or as slow as they so chose. Just "get in where you fit in" and "Ride the Rhythm" on this social group ride! This is a very friendly ride for the first 40 minutes. We do turn up the heat for the last 10 minutes and encourage riders to pick up the pace! Nature will separate riders in smaller groups, come join us for some fun!
Chat in Zwift or join us on Discord to connect with ride leaders and fellow Zwifters for some friendly in-ride chat. Discord Channel: a new window
Chat in Zwift or join us on Discord to connect with ride leaders and fellow Zwifters for some friendly in-ride chat. Discord Channel: a new window
Primeros pasos en las carreras puntuadas
Tendrás que terminar algunos recorridos antes de poder participar en tu primera carrera puntuada. Con más datos, podremos recomendarte el mejor grupo contra el que competir.