Friday, March 11th
The HPL Winter Race Series is back! Four weeks of intense racing, all on varied courses. These races will be independent, and results will not be cumulative. Go for the win, a personal best, or just try to get the best workout possible. Results are shown as you cross the finish line, and will be based on registered category. Good luck Zwifters!
February 24 - Suki’s Playground
March 3 - Sand and Sequoias
March 10 - UCI Richmond
March 17 - Champs Élysées
February 24 - Suki’s Playground
March 3 - Sand and Sequoias
March 10 - UCI Richmond
March 17 - Champs Élysées
Inizia con le gare a punteggio
Dovrai portare a termine alcune pedalate prima di poter partecipare alla tua prima gara a punti. Una volta raccolti più dati, saremo in grado di consigliarti il gruppo migliore contro cui gareggiare.