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Tuesday, December 6th
6:30PM GMT
Hotchillee WOT (Watts on Tuesday) Workout
Group Workout
Week 9: 29/11/22
Grind 3: 65 TSS
Big Gear/Low Cadence work is effectively strength training on the bike, lays the foundations for a strong and stable pedal stroke and should be part of any winter training plan.
The key to getting the intended gains from these sessions is to stick to the cadence targets. Don’t “cheat” the efforts by spinning faster - grind them out!
For this dose, you’ll be performing five big-gear efforts between 3-6 minutes in duration and working both seated and standing. If you did the Big Gear/Low Cadence workout 4 weeks ago, we've upped the duration of the efforts and trimmed some of your recovery time.

Week 10: 06/12/22
Threshold 1: 72 TSS
Working just below or at your FTP for sustained intervals is tough but the gains are worth it. It's also really good for getting a feel for this "red-line" intensity.
In this session you’ll do X3 10-minute blocks around FTP but be ready for little sting in the tail of the final interval.

Week 11: 13/12/22
VO2 Max 3: 80 TSS
Training in Zone 5 is all about building your ability to hold an effort above your red-line. This is essential for tackling steep climbs, bridging a gap, making a break or just dishing out some pain.
In this session, you’ll be performing X5 5-minute Zone 5 efforts.

Week 12: 20/12/22
Anaerobic Capacity 3: 59 TSS
Working on your top end and your ability to recover from those efforts. In these sessions the emphasis on quality rather than quantity.
As the fourth week in the rotation this fits in with more of a “recovery” week where you should be looking to dial your volume down.

This session is a variant of the classic Russian Steps workout where you'll perform three blocks of varying length sprints and recoveries. It's a great workout for building sprint power and speed endurance