Zwift 101 Plan: Running

ZWIFT COMMUNITY | on 17 November 2018 by Sean Jefferson
Zwift 101 Plan: Running

Great work showing up to run in Zwift! The Running 101 training plan contains six workouts that will introduce you to the Zwift basics, treadmill skills and workout types. We’ll explore climbing hills, mixing up intervals, holding tempos, and laying down an all out 1 mile effort. 

Zwift’s 101 running plan is the perfect introduction to structured training plans on Zwift, with it’s short and simple workouts, annotated instructions and helpful tips, it will make your first two weeks running on Zwift as smooth as possible.

This 2 week plan features 3 primary workouts each week with the option to add an additional fourth workout. At the end of 2 weeks, you will have completed 18 miles or 29km while also getting to explore the many different workout types that are used throughout the other training plans. The aim is to give you a proper introduction to running and set you up for success on the many other training plans Zwift has to offer.

Sign up for the 101 Training plan.

Follow these instructions

  1. Launch Zwift
  2. Select “Running” 
  3. Pair your run devices
  4. Select “Training” from run type
  5. Click on “Plans”
  6. Select Zwift 101 Running plan to enroll.

Here’s a sample workout from the 101 plan.

The Hills Are Alive workout is your first taste of hill work, helping you build leg strength. After a brief 0.25 mile // 400m warm-up ramping up from 65-85% of your 1 mile pace, you will settle into 0.5 mile // 800m at 90%. Next you will jump into 0.125 mile // 200m at 110% followed immediately by 0.125 mile // 200m at 65% and then repeat that two more times. We’ll leave it up to you if you decide to increase the incline on the treadmill during the hard intervals. To close out the workout, you have a short 0.25 mile // 400m cool-down, decreasing effort from 85-65%. This is definitely a workout that will wear you out, but it will make you a stronger runner.

We look forward to seeing you on the roads…

Still unsure how to get started?

Watch this quick video to sort out how you can get up and running on Zwift in no time.