Wednesday, June 7th
The main set comprises of 5 sets of 6-mins at around Sweetspot effort, gently increasing within each set. The 'kick' is that each set finishes with 30 seconds above FTP.
Think of that as a short/sharp hill that needs to be crested and forces you out of your (relative!) comfort zone, before recovering and getting back into your sustainable pace.
Think of that as a short/sharp hill that needs to be crested and forces you out of your (relative!) comfort zone, before recovering and getting back into your sustainable pace.
Se lancer dans les compétitions avec score de course
Tu dois terminer quelques sorties vélo avant de pouvoir participer à ta première compétition avec score de course. Lorsque nous aurons plus de données, nous serons en mesure de te recommander le groupe qui te correspondra le mieux pour te mesurer aux autres.