Saturday, February 11th
12:00PM GMT
MGCC Bagel
Group Ride
The Morning Glory Cycling Club (MGCC) Bagel ride is a long standing Saturday tradition... not an easy ride, but a friendly don't get dropped type of ride. The Virtual Bagel will not be much different!
Group B: Warm up ~2.5 for 7 minutes . Rest of the ride will be at around 3.0-3.2/kg and the hills will be max at 3.5/kg.
Group C: Warm up ~2.0 for 7 minutes . Rest of the ride will be at around 2.3-2.5/kg and the hills will be max at 3.0/kg.
There will be a sprint at the end for the last 700 metres.
Power UPs: Allowed / Bikes: No TT Allowed
Riders are encouraged to work as a group and to make thee a little more personal, please join the Voice Channel on Discord (all groups will be in the same channel):
Channel: a new window
Race results will be posted on a new window
For more info, please join the MGCC Zwift Facebook Group: a new window

Disclaimer: MGCC Zwift rides are not official events sanction by MGCC - Morning Glory Cycling Club, or the OCA – Ontario Cycling Association. You participate at your own risk.