Wednesday, July 15th
6:00PM GMT
TRI247 Workout Series: The Sweetspot Sandwich
Group Workout
Every Wednesday at 7pm UK-time, Tri247 present a triathlon focused workout brought to you by a guest 'coach.' This will include sessions by pro triathletes, coaches and notable characters associated with the sport.

The workouts are about 60 minutes long and designed to add variety and interest to your weekly training schedule over the Winter.


This session is, at its core, a relatively straightforward 7 x 4:30 at ‘Sweetspot’ effort, with 2:00 recovery.

The slight twist – hence the session name – is that the first and last 15 seconds of each interval will be just above FTP effort and thus provide a ‘sandwich’. The logic here is that often you will start a ride fast (perhaps too fast), and then need to settle back into your sustainable effort. Similarly, there may be pace increase at the very end to, for example, get a good position going into transition.

Overall, the set doesn’t require huge power outputs or speed at any point, but will require mental focus and resilience to maintain the effort through the session as fatigue starts to build from the previous reps.


This week’s session has been set and will be lead by TRI247 Editor, John Levison.

A multiple Ironman finisher ‘back in the day’, he’s more likely to be found at events these days either commentating, interviewing or reporting than racing. That said, he still likes to train when he can and Zwift has become his ‘go to’ training tool over the past year and more.

To download the ZWO file for this and previous workouts go to http://www.tri247.comOpens a new window


Zwifters line up in the starting area just like a normal event and once the event starts, workout mode begins. Everyone stays together regardless of power output. That's right, if you're outputting 100W and another Zwifter is outputting 400W you will stay in exactly the same position relative to each other. Only if you stop pedaling and fall 6 meters behind the group will the rubber-banding stop.


We highly recommend doing one of the FTP tests as the estimated FTP can be inaccurate and make the difficulty level of the workouts too high for your current fitness level.

For more info on FTP go to: a new window