PowerUp Tri Podcast Episode 5: Heather Jackson

PowerUp Tri Podcast Episode 5: Heather Jackson

ON April 23, 2019 by Zwift

The PowerUp Tri Podcast is hosted by former pro triathletes Matt Lieto and Jordan Rapp, who lend their in-depth knowledge of the multisport to the Zwift Tri audience.

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On this week’s episode Jordan and I have American Ironman record holder Heather Jackson (heatherjacksonracking.com) on to talk all things triathlon, “balance”, and well… pillows. For those of you who don’t know Heather, she is an incredible athlete, but beyond that, she is also known in the sport of triathlon as one of its true “personalities.” We use this episode to talk about how, or if it is possible, to have “balance” in life while training for success in triathlon.

It’s no surprise to hear that triathletes tend to be classified as “Type A” personalities. But sometimes that obsession about triathlon can lead to other parts of their life being left behind.  Is this the best way to approach a sport that is a “hobby” for almost all of us? Does this obsession really produce better results or is there room for more “balance” in life? Is it possible that a more well-rounded athlete and maybe a happier human can produce better results?

Heather makes it a priority in her life as a pro triathlete to find “balance” and to make sure she’s living a real and abundant life outside of her training. To put it in perspective, Heather recorded our podcast on a Friday night, on Saturday night she went to a Pink concert, and on Sunday she watched the Long Beach Grand prix. I’d say that’s living a well-rounded life!

For each athlete there is a different approach to finding that life balance and Heather shares with us what she’s learned works best for her.

“Once training is done, Wattie (Heather’s husband) and I don’t talk about triathlon, we talk about what new IPA he’s drinking, or what we’re going to watch on Netflix.”

Heather explains why she is capable of moving on after a workout with this great little tidbit: “You put the work in, you put effort in and now it’s time to relax ‘cause you have to get up and do it all again tomorrow.”

To no surprise the podcast resident “EngiNerd” Jordan takes offense that neurosis could possibly be seen as a negative, saying, “I feel like you just said that being neurotic is a problem and that it’s a bad thing?”

More on the podcast from all of us hosts about this topic as well as a round up of the latest races, including a dominating win from last week’s guest host Ben Hoffman! Listen in for more, including Heather’s Pro tip of the week, and Jordan’s take on what’s new in helmet safety tech.

Got Feedback?

Matt and Jordan want to hear from you! Add your questions and topic ideas to the forum and they could be featured in an upcoming episode.

Photos courtesy of Topher Riley and Nick Wilson